Istria Sailing Area: starting bases Pula, Rovinj
Sailing Istria coastline and Brijuni islands

Istria, the land of rolling hills and fertile plains, is the largest peninsula in the Adriatic Sea, located at the head of the Adriatic between the Kvarner Gulf and Gulf of Trieste. Istria is a standout among the best known destinations for tourists in Croatia and its towns of Umag and Porec ceaselessly best yearly surveys of the best occasion resorts in Croatia, as sorted out by the Croatian National Tourist Board and Croatian TV. With a solid Italian impact (Istria even used to be a part of Italy amid the early part of the twentieth century), this positively is a lovely area of Croatia both along the coast and inland, with its beautiful peak towns. Rovinj is a genuine diamond of a town, and Pula is additionally definitely justified even despite a visit – home to the Arena, an extremely all around protected Roman amphitheater. The one thing that Istria lacks, be that as it may, contrasted with more southern beach front districts are numerous huge islands. The Brijuni gathering of islands (close Pula) are the special case and incredible for a day-trip.
Circumscribing Slovenia and with an oceanic fringe with Italy, this promontory is anything but difficult to reach from whatever remains of Europe and is additionally all around associated via air to the UK to the fundamental airplane terminal in the district, Pula Airport.
Marinas in Istria sailing area